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Gift Ideas for Your Groomsmen

Choosing a gift for the groomsmen could be a difficult task for many grooms. Most grooms don’t want to go with a gift that is too traditional or unoriginal but they also struggle with feelings that a gift that is too creative may not be appropriate. Perhaps the most important aspect of a groomsmen gift is not whether it is traditional or unique but whether or not it fits the personality of the recipient. As long as you know your groomsmen very well and put an honest effort into finding their groomsmen gifts you are sure to find a gift that will be enjoyed by your groomsmen.

One of the most traditional groomsmen gift ideas is a flask. If this is something that you think your groomsmen will fully enjoy then by all means go out and buy them the most attractive silver or leather flask that you can find. It’s important to choose a gift not because of its traditional connotations but because you know the groomsmen will cherish the gift.

 If you believe that your groomsmen have a use for a flask or will be touched by receiving such a traditional gift as a souvenir and not be concerned by its lack of practicality then a flask may be a wonderful gift idea. A CD case with a few CDs chosen specifically for the groomsmen can be a great gift idea if you know that your groomsmen enjoy music. This is a wonderful gift idea because it is sure to be used often by the recipient and your groomsmen will remember your wedding day each time they listen to one of their CDs. This is also a thoughtful gift because including CDs that you know your groomsmen will enjoy but do not already own shows that you really put an effort into choosing the gift. Personalizing the gift for each of the groomsmen also shows that you see them as individuals and took the time and effort involved in making the gift unique for each of them. A men’s perfume or fragrance can be another unique gift idea for the groomsmen. Choosing a different fragrance for each member of the wedding party sends the message that you did not buy your gifts in a rush.

Taking the time to choose a unique fragrance for each of your groomsmen lets them know that you truly appreciate their assistance and participation in your wedding. Another idea for giving gifts for your groomsmen is to give each man a different gift. While the groomsmen are all close friends of the groom and may have certain common interests, they all still have something about them that makes them unique. You could recognize their individuality by personalizing a unique gift for each of your groomsmen. For example you could give a journal and fancy pen to the groomsman who likes to write and an assortment of dance CDs to the groomsman who enjoys going to nightclubs and dancing. While traditionally grooms have given each of their groomsmen either the same gift or very similar gifts, it is also acceptable to give each groomsman a unique gift that suits their personality. Bracelets or watches are another traditional groomsmen gift idea.

Depending on your budget, you might want to purchase a watch or bracelet that is appropriate to wear on your wedding day. This is a wonderful gift that not only expresses your appreciation for participating in your wedding but also gives the groomsmen a nice accessory to wear at your wedding and other formal functions. Cuff links or tie clips are still another traditional gift idea for a groom to give to his groomsmen. These items are not very common and many groomsmen do not own either so giving them as a gift ensures that the groomsmen will have these items to wear with their tuxedo on your wedding day. Although these are traditional gift ideas, you could make them more modern by giving each groomsman an accessory that suites their personality. For example you could give your sports loving groomsman a tie clip that is in the shape of a basketball while you could give your musically inclined groomsman a tie clip that is in the shape of a few musical notes. Giving each of your groomsmen a variation of the same idea makes even the most traditional gift idea appear modern.

Groomsmen can be difficult to buy gifts for because many of the traditional groomsmen gifts seem boring or impractical. Traditional gifts can be made more modern with the introduction of a twist such as a variation in each groomsman’s gift instead of giving them each the exact same thing. The most important thing to consider in choosing a gift for your groomsmen is to make sure the gift will reflect the personality of the recipient.